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Top 10 for Feb

Stacey Kent is silky and appealing as always on 'I Know I Dream' / bebop spoken here

Yet another woman singer although Stacey Kent is hardly just 'another woman singer'! Over the years, with a shelf full of highly acclaimed albums, her position near the top end of the pecking order is undisputed and this latest one only serves to consolidate that position. The voice is as silky and appealing as always, not least when she sings in her impeccable French. The nuances of that language, to me, seem to lend themselves to jazz almost as much as the varying shades of the American accent do. Often more so.

The idea of a 58 piece orchestra may seem a daunting prospect to both singer and listener. Not so. The arrangements are so skilfully crafted that singer and strings are as one and when Jim Tomlinson floats in on tenor one can't help but think of those albums that Stan Getz made with Eddie Sauter; Jim has that Getzian fluidity about his playing.

READ FULL bebop spoken here - Review by Lance