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Top 10 for Feb

Baroque Divas / WFMT: New Release of the Week

The history of opera is inseparably linked with the biographies of singers. The battle for prestige and fame was heated in the Baroque era, with legendary rivalries. Fiercely competitive, Francesca Cuzzoni and Faustina Bordoni were among the most acclaimed divas of the age. Present-day prima donnas Vivica Genaux, Sonia Prina, Marry-Ellen Nesi and Romina Basso now follow in the footsteps of their predecessors, presenting a selection of standout arias for mezzo-soprano and contralto.

Baroque Divas on Decca is the WFMT: Chicago - NEW RELEASE OF THE WEEK. Featured track is Porta, rev. Sellitto: Siface: Ti parli nel seno (8:30). Baroque Divas is Mary-Ellen Nesi, mezzo-soprano; Armonia Atenea / George Petrou