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Ola Onabule's 'Dark Matter' from 'The Peace That Deafens' makes Pisa's Punto Radio - animajazz

In the episode n ° 882 of "ANIMAJAZZ", conceived and conducted by BRUNO POLLACCI , aired TUESDAY 10th September at 20.30, on PUNTORADIO, also in streaming on and in immediate podcast is Ola Onabule's 'Dark Matter' from 'The Peace That Deafens.'

We remind you that "ANIMAJAZZ" can be heard TUESDAY at 8.30 pm in an immediate podcast on and in streaming on www.puntoradio.fmand the "DOWNLOAD" of the episode can be made, free of charge, from the "ANIMAJAZZ" website, podcasts area. Good listening.

"ANIMAJAZZ" is in collaboration with the PISA ACADEMY OF ART.  SEE Punto Radio - animajazz PLAYLIST