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Top 10 for Feb

James Ehnes with ASO take on lesser-known Leonard Bernstein, with persuasive charm / AdelaideAdvertiser

THIS first Masters Series concert of the year followed the ASO's successful Bernstein evenings during the Festival with one of Bernstein's lesser-known works taking centre stage. The Serenade for Solo Violin, Strings Harp and Percussion from 1954 is a violin concerto in all but name and violin virtuoso James Ehnes, in a welcome return, illuminated its musical curves and frankly melodic outlines with persuasive charm and beautifully contoured tonal depth. The five-movement work shows Bernstein on his best behaviour with only the final jazzy bacchanalian revels mildly letting his hair down.

The remainder is manicured neoclassicism in the manner of Stravinsky without the astringency and Ehnes plus ASO were at one in its clever dialogue and civilised conversation.    PHOTO: Benjamin Ealovega

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