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Top 10 for Feb

Raul Midon feature / Guitar World

This past month, cyber-savvy guitarists rejoiced in yet another exciting guitar video gone viral, this one featuring blind acoustic picker Raul Midón ripping though John Coltrane's "Giant Steps," ( in all 12 keys ) playing chords beneath his trademark "mouth trumpet" one moment, and the next dropping the jaws of jazz connoisseurs with his unaccompanied single-note lines, unleashed on his Traugott Model BK ax. Not your first visit to Raul Midón's world? Perhaps it was this one-man band's mind-blowing network television debut, on The Late Show with David Lettermanin 2005, where his signature song, "State of Mind," an infectious mix of percussive slaps, harmonics and quasi flamenco techniques, supporting unique vocal improvisations, brought the audience to their feet, including members of the Letterman band.  READ THE FULL Guitar World FEATURE       WATCH THE Giant Steps VIDEO