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Top 10 for Dec

If you like campy take-offs with a clever premise and quality music, here is Desperate Measures / STAGEANDCINEMA

Desperate Measures - the Off-Broadway hit, which just closed at New World Stages on October 28, 2018, is a Wild West musical inspired by, meaning it's very loosely based on, Shakespeare's Measure for Measure. If you like clever, campy take-offs with a clever premise and Broadway quality music, here it is. Sure you'll miss most of the iambic pentameter dialogue from Peter Kellogg's book, but you'll get enough to show just how inventive this show is. The tuneful Old West songs, delivered by an super-fun six-member cast and a four-member band (violin and cello were added for this recording), will never let you forget you're listening to a traditional musical that's got it's soul squarely set in country-western - a bit in the vein of The Robber Bridegroom (but don't expect that show's timeless score). A beautiful booklet chockablock with color photos includes lyrics.