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Top 10 for Nov

Peter Boyer and Jeffrey Biegel celebrate the centennial of Gershwin's 'Rhapsody in Blue' with new 17 min. work / pizzicato

pizzicato writes……Pianist Jeffrey Biegel and composer Peter Boyer celebrate the centennial of George Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue, which was premiered on February 12, 1924. Boyer has composed a new 17-minute work for piano and orchestra, titled Rhapsody in Red, White & Blue, with Biegel as soloist. Biegel conceived the project and title of the new work, and selected Boyer as its composer. The commission for Boyer’s Rhapsody has been fully funded by a consortium of foundation and private donors, secured by Biegel, through the American Composers Forum. The lead funder is the Billy Rose Foundation. This unusual funding arrangement provides orchestras large and small an opportunity to participate in the project without the customary requirement to pay co-commissioning fees.