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OKC musician hopes her latest release can help others heal from COVID-19 / OKFOX25

OKFOX25 - Adam King......One good song can change the world, and in a time where people are looking for healing and positivity any way they can get it, Lisa Reagan Love is hoping her group Shunia's new self-titled album can provide some of the good stuff that we all need. And she's got a goal that goes beyond selling albums.

One good song can change the world, and in a time where people are looking for healing and positivity any way they can get it, Lisa Reagan Love is hoping her group Shunia's new self-titled album can provide some of the good stuff that we all need. And she's got a goal that goes beyond selling albums.

According to a study done by the University of Wisconsin-Health scientific evidence suggests that music can have a profound effect on individuals, from helping improve the recovery of motor and cognitive function in stroke patients, reducing symptoms of depression in patients suffering from dementia, even helping patients undergoing surgery to experience less pain and heal faster.

One Oklahoma City artist who wants to use that science to help as many people as possible and bring us all the good stuff.

One good song can change the world, and in a time where people are looking for healing and positivity any way they can get it, Lisa Reagan Love is hoping her group Shunia's new self-titled album can provide some of the good stuff that we all need. And she's got a goal that goes beyond selling albums.

"There's so much healing that can happen you'll feel it they are very powerful and that's why we did it." Love said.