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Top 10 for Feb

Mobile Chamber Music Society hits high-water mark with Miro Quartet / Lagniappe

Mobile Chamber Music Society has brought some talented and lauded musicians to Mobile over the decades, but a note from one of their key members hints at a high-water mark this month. "We have never had the prestigious Miró Quartet on our series before because, frankly, we could never afford them," Daniel Silver wrote. " The quartet's members are instructors at the University of Texas' Butler School of Music. Within the first five years of its 1995 founding, the quartet had won first prizes in every competition it entered and was the first ensemble to win the Avery Fisher Career Grant. Their tour circuit normally takes them through North America, Asia and Europe and to numerous esteemed festivals. They have collaborated with Joshua Bell, Midori, Eliot Fisk, Pinchas Zukerman and Jon Kimura Parker among others.

Their Sunday, Jan. 20,  Laidlaw Performing Arts Center(University of South Alabama) concert includes Schubert's Quartettsatz in C Minor, Dvořák's "Cypresses," Wolf's "Italian Serenade," Puccini's "I Crisantemi," Michael Ippolito's "Big Sky, Low Horizon" and Beethoven's Quartet in F Minor and Grosse Fuge.