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Top 10 for Feb

Raul Midon brings his unique sound to Concord NC's Davis Theatre / Independent Tribune

To watch Raul Midón perform is to feel like your ears are tricking your eyes. He can play the trumpet without a brass instrument and the drums without a kit. He just needs his two hands, his voice and an acoustic guitar. Audiences will understand when they see Raul perform live in downtown Concord NC, on the Davis Theatre stage Friday, October 20 at 8 pm as part of the Cabarrus Arts Council's On Stage at the Davis series, sponsored by Embassy Suites.

Raul calls his sound "Pop, R&B, soul with jazz pedagogy," but stops short of limiting it to only those genres. His ninth and latest album "Badass and Blind" demonstrates the soulful singer's musical philosophy and style to perfection. "Like with all of my records, this album is for those who are interested in going beyond notions of genre – it's for listeners with open ears, open minds, open hearts."

READ THE FULL Independent Tribune ARTICLE



Friday, October 20, 8 pm


The Davis Theatre, 65 Union St South, 




Tickets online: Raul Midón


Box Office: (704) 920-2753, M-F, 10 am-4 pm