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Top 10 for Feb

New Morning brings Raul Midon to Paris / BLOUIN ARTINFO

Known as the eclectic adventurer, Raul Midón blends feeling with a devil's voice making it an all vibrant evening full of soul. His style is often compared to greats like Al Jarreau and Stevie Wonder. Raul Midón has constructed a universe of his own, that has been a melting pot of jazz, folk, soul, R&B, Latin music and blues.A performer and composer par excellence, he takes centre stage, just with his guitar. He holds that unique ability to create an orchestra with just a single acoustic guitar and can proliferate his voice to create the sounds of a choir. His vocal prowess is simply admirable; he has done successful recordings with many artists, from Herbie Hancock to Jason Mraz, while also pursuing an international solo career. Midón  is blind by birth, and has fought hard to excel in what he loved doing the most. The show is on  April 17th, 2018 at New Morning, 7 & 9, Paris.