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Sharon Fendrich

Red Sky Prairie

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Red Sky Prairie
Song of the Dove
That September Day: A 9/11 Memorial Tribute
Bittersweet Memory
1 L'dor Vador (Generation to Generation)
2 A Secret's Song
3 Within Whispers
4 Red Sky Prairie
5 Song of the Dove ( Kanto de la Kolombo)
6 Never Alone
7 Moonswept
8 Bittersweet Memory
9 Last Tears
10 In Memoriam
11 That September Day
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American neo-classical composer Sharon Fendrich presents her self-produced first album, Red Sky Prairie. With 11 tracks full of emotive melodies that captivate the heart, the disc offers the listener a soundtrack to their own dreams and memories, featuring Fendrich on piano, along with four Dutch soloists: violinist Wilfred Sassen, cellist Joep Willems, flautists Helen Hendriks and Ies Muller, and Russian vocalist Anna Emelyanova. Mixing both instrumentals and lyrical pieces, Fendrich writes her songs in five languages including Esperanto, and together with a captivating orchestral sound design, the 59-minute album creates an inviting and magical sonic world. 

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