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Ron Davis


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The Making Of Ron Davis' Symphronica
Meet Ron Davis


WHLI-Long Island NY: Artist Of the Week Interview
Spafax In-Flight Interview with RD
1 The Climb
2 Thomachonga
3 Dror Yikrah
4 Sashagraha
5 Sergei's Shuffle
6 Allelujah
7 Mache Dich mein Herze rein
8 Le Reel de Pointe-au-Pic
9 Pawpwalk
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" a real smash. Ron Davis is a wonderful pianist. The arrangements are superb" 
John Morris Russell, Conductor, Cincinnati Pops 

"SymphRonica rocks … reminiscent of the symphonic early recordings of Chuck Mangione and the orchestra sessions Miles Davis did with Gil Evans.... beautiful... stunning... mesmerizing... inventive."- The Windsor Star

Ron Davis, Symphronica is an irresistable symphonic compositions for jazz piano. Symphronica comes to life with six Davis originals and 3 more that blend the classic jazz piano trio with orchestra and immediately grabs the listener. 

18 New 'ON'  81 Total
Markets include: New York, Los Angeles, Boston, Minneapolis, Denver, Baltimore, Detroit, Houston, Austin, Berkeley CA, Jacksonville FL, Boulder CO, Long Island NY,  Omaha NE, Canada
Online:, RadioIO, Jazzin' Around, Live 365, Thejazzgroove, WGOE, trud

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