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Rolando Villazon

Treasures of Bel Canto

Deutsche Grammophon

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Tenor Rolando Villazon BBC interview
Rolando Villazon 'Il mio tesoro' Don Giovanni
How do opera singers prepare for a role debut? Tenor Rolando Villazón shows us
My Favorite Deutsche Grammophon Album by... Rolando Villazón
1 Ma rendi pur content  
2 Malinconia, ninfa gentile  
3 Vaga luna, che inargenti  
4 Torna, vezzosa Fillide  
5 Deh, pietoso, o Addolorata  
6 Non t accostare all urna  
7 Il poveretto  
8 Il mistero  
9 L amor funesto  
10 Una lagrima (Preghiera)  
11 Il sospiro  
12 La M?re et l Enfant  
13 L esule  
14 La danza  
15 La lontananza  
16 Tirana pour deux voix  
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Italian music in the 19th century is most often summed up in a single word: opera. Yet, for all its importance, opera was only the magnificent tip of the iceberg of Italian musical life. Instrumental, orchestral and, in particular, sacred music all abounded in Ottocento Italy.  The fours composers featured in this all-new recital are all known mostly for their operatic output, yet each was also an accomplished writer of songs, a fact that Rolando Villazón has chosen to highlight.

Rolando Villazón calls the songs simply "these little treasures". The Mexican-born tenor has sung several 19th-century Italian art songs over the years in his many recitals with piano, just as other great tenors have done down the ages. But in 2012 Villazón decided that they could be the building blocks of something rather bigger. "I saw there was a project for me here, of songs that are well-known and songs that I didn't know at the time, and that are not well-known at all except to specialist scholars. I just started searching."

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