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Peter Manning Robinson

An Hour On Earth

Release Date: April 22, 2022

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An Hour On Earth - a Film by Klaus Hoch
1 An Hour On Earth  

My invention, The Refractor Piano™, excels in creating tapestries and images, sounds that are organic and unique. My producer and collaborator, Klaus Hoch had a concept for a video: “An Hour on Earth”. I wondered:  "If I had an hour on earth, what would I do?  Where would I go? Would I share it with someone?  What music would I create? 

The music needed to be a journey: just like my hour on earth…never predictable…always moving. I liked the idea of starting with one lightly “refracted” piano…then adding multiple pianos. With my instrument, I can create complex colors and layers live without overdubbing or pre-recorded tracks. The piece evolved from this concept.

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