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David Chesky

Concertos 2 & 3

Chesky Records

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David Chesky Concerto No 2 for Violin and Orchestra
David Chesky, HDTracks, interview - CES 2015
Chesky Records Introduction Trailer
1 David Chesky - Concerto No. 2 for Piano and Orchestra / Movement 1
2 Movement 2
3 Movement 3
4 David Chesky - Concerto No. 3 for Piano and Orchestra / Movement 1
5 Movement 2
6 Movement 3
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Following the release of his stunning Venetian Concertos, composer/pianist David Chesky has written two new concertos, this time for piano.  Inspired by the chaos of his adopted New York City, these virtuosic concertos are a mixture of energy, rhythmic drive and serenity.  Like most of his recent work, they combine modern compositional styles with both jazz and reverence for classical forms in Chesky's own unique manner.

11 NEW  37 TOTAL
C24, Beethoven Net, CBC
Markets include: New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Minneapolis, Detroit, Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Ft. Wayne IN, MN(Statewide), NE(Statewide), WI(Statewide), WV(Statewide), OR(Statewide), Canada
Online: AccuRadio

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