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Artist: Modern Mandolin Quartet
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Modern Mandolin Quartet:


Sono Luminus presents this uniquely engaging collection of music that embodies the American spirit in Americana, the latest release by Modern Mandolin Quartet. The package will be a 2-disc set, containing a Blu-rayTM Surround Sound disc as well as a standard CD. Expressing their opinion on their choices of musical selections for this album, the quartet writes, "This music attracted us because of the wonderful way it sounds on our instruments, particularly the Dvorak. Since the musical character of the pieces is based on various forms of American music, it lends itself extremely well to the mandolin. While many selections for piano and string music rely on idioms and techniques that may not transpose well to the mandolin, the pieces included on this disc were chosen for their vitality and the way they jumped right off the page." Fanfare Magazine exclaims, "MMQ play dead-straight, spot-on, and packed with freshness and vitality of a kind that is rare in material of this type. These are not down-scaled, make-em-easy, just-for-kicks charts either - they are a Major Thing. TRIPLE MUST!"

34 New 'ON' this week: 163 Total
Classical 24, The Romantic Hours
Direct: SiriusXM, Music Choice, DMX
Markets include: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Seattle, Dallas, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Houston, Austin, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Portland, Austin, Denver, New Orleans, Nashville, Memphis, Louisville, Tampa, San Antonio, Columbus OH, Hononlulu
Online: RadioIO, Taintradio