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Artist: DO.GMA Chamber Orchestra
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DO.GMA Chamber Orchestra:

American Stringbook

In DO.GMA#2: American Stringbook, the orchestra presents music by Arthur Foote, David Diamond, William Schuman and Samuel Barber, who for the most part are yet to be discovered in the world of European music. Once again on 'American Stringbook' do.gma impresses with its enthusiasm , its undogmatic ease, and its convincing interpretation of the differing musical aims of the composers. The do.gma chamber orchestra was founded by Mikhail Gurewitsch in 2004, then concert master of the Baden Wurttemberg Chamber Orchestra "I Sedici". Since then, young already internationally experienced musicians have come together under his leadership to interpret music in a modern way.

12 New 'ON' this week: 125 Total
SYND: PRI/Classical 24, The Romantic Hours
Direct: SiriusXM/Symphony Hall, Music Choice
Markets include: New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Dallas, St. Louis, Cleveland, Minneapolis, Seattle, Houston, Portland, Baltimore, New Orleans, Detroit, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, San Antonio, Memphis, Buffalo, Sacramento CA, Madison WI, Canada
Online: Taintradio